Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sameness and Difference

Difference can be very good and bad at times also. Difference can be good because you can be different from everyone else and you can be unique. Difference is also good because you don’t have to act like everyone else, and you can express your true feelings. With difference you can have choices. You can choose your spouse, your house, what you do for a living, etc. Difference can also be bad at times. With difference, you can be judged, you can be judged by what you do, how you dress, how smart you are, what you are feeling, your friends, and many more!! Difference is good and bad in so many ways.

Sameness can be good and bad in a few ways also. Sameness is good because there is no judgement, or making fun of people. You are not rated how popular you are, and there can be no depression. You are not classified by what you are or how you act. Sameness can also be very bad because there is no emotion in the world, no love, no colors, no weather. All of the important things in the world! A world of sameness can be fair, or maybe boring.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

blog free writing #1

What would you do with a million dollars? You have to separate it out. Ex. I would give $100,00 to Miss Slawinski to help her kids get laptops to work on their blogs. I would give 20 bucks to my little brother so he would be quiet. Make sure you account for all your money! Remember to EXPLAIN everything.

If i had a million dollars, first i would give $300,000 to my mom to buy a new house, we would need 4 bedrooms, plus a guestroom for my brother when he comes to visit after the Navy. Then, i would give $200,000 to my dad to buy a house for him, he however only needs 3 bedrooms. Then i would put about $100,000 in the bank to save up for college. Then i would take around $50,000 to buy a nice car, for when i get older. Finally, with the leftover $350,000, i would save for anything that i would need it for in the future.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome to the land of blogging! I am so excited to start this project with you. In your first post, write down any problems or questions you have about your blog. Was it easy to start your blog? What ideas do you have incorporating your blog into class? Finally, give me an idea for your next free write.

I think that setting up this blog was fairly easy. It was a little confusing at first but overall it was pretty easy. I think that this was so much fun. I think that you could post freewrites, vocab. words, and just class chats on our blogs. I really dont know what we could do as far as ideas for a freewrite goes. But i really love doing this.